Internet is your passion

Internet is your passion

Did you receive a notice for alleged copyright infringement? If you consider this to be an unfair measure or mistake, you can respond! Follow these tips and use these examples. There is no magic formula, but you have to try. The “notification and withdrawal” system is unfair, complicated and must change. Join our passionate internet defense. Report your case.

Other stories

Other stories

Other stories is a project in which we explore the Digital Citizen Services related to the electronic medical history and the Colombian health system. This project was made possible thanks to the support of Privacy International.

No more cellphones watched

No more cellphones watched

A tracker in your pocket presents an analysis of the cell phone registration system to combat theft. This analysis is divided into three parts: A basic description of how the system works, its problematic areas, conclusions and recommendations for the system’s main stakeholders: the CRC, the Ministry of ICT, the Data Protection Authority and Mobile phone operators.

Become INTERNET GENIUS … Renewed!

Are the passwords that you generate to protect your email, social networks, financial platforms and any personal account you access from the internet safe? Internet geniuses, the guide that helps you improve your online security.

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Practices that save, the guide that helps social organizations

Social organizations must pay close attention to the security of the information they handle and improve their practices to avoid unwanted intrusions, loss or leakage of data and lack of availability in access to the technological services they currently need for their daily work. Can you imagine the daily life of an organization without its mail working or…

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To contain the Machitroll

Social media, blogs and online newspapers have become amplifiers of violence against vulnerable groups such as women, human rights defenders, members of the LGTBIQ community and journalists. Machitroll Alert is a tool that invites to highlight those comments, images or violent content that circulate on the web using humor to draw attention to them…

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