Once again we are participating at RightsCon!

2017-03-23 Leer en voz alta

RightsCon is just around the corner, and once again we’ll participate in this event held from the 29th to 31st of March, in Brussels. Karisma will be part of conferences and panels where we’ll talk about our experiences and projects defending human rights in the digital era.

This is the world’s leading event convened around the issues of the internet and human rights. The annual conference gathers a variety of different organizations along tech companies, universities, startups, and government representatives to join a global conversation about how to keep the internet open, free, and secure.

We hope to see you there. However, if you won’t be in Brussels you can still join us via streaming! We’ll be sharing the link as soon as it’s published
You can see our schedule here, take into account that all the schedule is on Bruselas time zone:
March 29th

  • Making a Business Case for Digital Rights in the Global South. When: 10:30AM-11:45AM Where: Arabesque, Ground Floor
  • Money, Data, and Surveillance: How Gender Bias Affects Your Privacy. When: 10:30Am-11:45AM Where: Mosaic, Ground Floor
  • Towards the Web Women Want: How Can We Bring Together Gender and ICT Policy Advocacy to Achieve Desired Reforms? When: 2:30PM – 3:45PM Where: Innovation, 1st Floor
  • Lightning Talk: Corporate Lobbies in the Digital Rights Agenda, rethinking Strategies for South American Activists When: 4PM-5PM Where: Arabesque, Ground Floor

March 30th

  • Preview of UN Special Rapporteur’s on Freedom of Expression. When: 8AM-9AM Where: Infinity room
  • Privacy and digital security for citizens: how to analyze websites. When: 10:30AM-11:45AM Where: Tech demo room
  • Connecting the Unconnected– Innovative Ways to Provide Affordable Access to the Internet. When: !2M-1:15PM Where: Salón Klimt – Ground Floor
  • Owning our features: Risks and challenges of the uses of biometric technology in Latin America. When: 12PM-1:15PM Where: Innovation, 1st Floor
  • Neither Takedown nor Laissez Faire: New Pro-Speech Responses to Hatred Online. When: 5:15PM-6:15PM Where: Stoclet, Ground Floor
  • Surveillance and Privacy from the Margins. When: 5:15PM-6:15PM Where: Klimt, Ground Floor

March 31st

  • OTT Services: Leveling the Field for Digital Rights. When: 10:30AM-11-45AM Where: Creativity & Exploration, 1st Floor
  • How to talk so companies will listen, and listen so companies will talk: Doing company advocacy and research. When: 12M-1:15PM Where: Evasion
  • Is free speech being hijacked by internet intermediaries? When: 2PM-3:15PM Where: Mosaic
  • ¿Quién Defiende Tus Datos? 2016: Holding Telecoms Accountable and Encouraging Best Practices Through Rating Reports. When: 2:30PM-3:45PM Where: Palace Ballroom I, Ground Floor.

Here you can see the official schedule. 

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