2018 was a very special year for the Karisma Foundation, a year of great challenges, achievements, opportunities and goals. A year in which our thematic lines: access to knowledge, security and privacy, innovation and social technology, internet governance and our transversal lines: freedom of expression and gender, were present in each activity, research, workshop, conference, etc., and were part of our day to day.
We had three moments that stood out during 2018, our campaign “Sharing is not a crime” by the hand of Diego Gómez, won the Next Generation Leadership Award by OpenCon; we made in the framework of the CILAC conference the event “The role of open science to achieve quality education in the region” from which “The Declaration of Panama” was born, a document that serves as a basis to put science open different areas in our region and that has become a reference in Latin America; and, Machitroll Alert, our campaign against sexist violence on the Internet began its international dissemination with the support of various partner organizations.

But that was not all, through our thematic lines we have supported different processes and developed new projects. For example, from the access to knowledge we participated in the debate of the Lleras Law, we supported the initiative #BibliotecariosAlSenado, we became part of the advisory committee of Open Access Week and OpenCon LatAm, we continued with our project The Planet is the School and we participated in the discussions on copyright flexibilities that are happening in the World Intellectual Property Organization.
In security and privacy, during 2018 we investigated the health system and the design of the information infrastructures of the Colombian State with the support of Privacy International, which was the basis of the report “Other Stories, Digital Citizen Services and Clinical History in Colombia“, we followed the data exploitation policies in the public sector, launched for the fourth consecutive year the report Where are my data? and we publish with the support of ADC Argentina and TeDic Paraguay, The perfect couple, a serie of podcasts that explore the relationship between human rights and digital security. Our K+Lab security laboratory had different analysis and research actions during the past year, but we also launched our K+Lab Safety Pills, a series of videos with recommendations to improve digital security in different areas.
The continuation of the work of the local wireless network in Fresno and the productive processes with the support of the Fresno Posible Foundation, were the protagonists of our work in innovation and social technology. While in internet governance, the third edition of the Internet the Cuban way and the participation of Karisma in the public discussion on the creation of a convergent regulator, it took the attention.

Although, our work is crossed by our transversal lines, these also had some actions to highlight during 2018. In freedom of expression, we influence the knowledge of internet policy and digital rights to civil society organizations through the first edition of our workshop “For better internet regulation in Latin America“, we made the panel “Freedom of expression in the face of Internet regulation, challenges and lessons for Panama” with the participation of panelists from the region and we collaborated with the Special Report for the freedom of expression of the IACHR, in the commission on the status of women of the United Nations and contributing to the Latin American IFEX alliance.
In gender, the documentary Empowered women arrived in Mexico, Spain and Canada, new typologies of the machitrolls were created and feminist actions were carried out to create a secure internet. In addition, Karisma participated in the hearings held by the IACHR in Bogotá, where the state of the art about male violence and its effects on the freedom of expression of women was presented. Narrira Lemos, Google Fellow 2018, collaborated with Karisma in the development of the Akelarre workshop against the machitrolls, in which he reflects on pushing against narratives to resist gender-based violence on the Internet.
2018 was an incredible year, full of activities, projects and great works, to which we can add our participation in the Colombia chapter of Creative Commons, our advances in technology issues within the organization, our achievements from the area of communications, our participation in the public agenda of the country through opinion columns, interviews and own publications, participation of our team in events in 17 countries of the world and 5 cities in the country and a budget that was executed in its entirety.
We invite you to learn more about our 2018 work, downloading the full report in this link.
Thank you for joining us on this trip and continue with us!
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