Are you at RightsCon? Join us!

2016-03-28 Leer en voz alta

RightsCon is the world’s leading event convened around the issues of the internet and human rights. The annual conference convenes business leaders, visionaries, technologists, legal experts, civil society members, activists, and government representatives from across the globe on issues at the intersection of tech and human rights.

This year, you will find three days of programming plus a day of satellite events,  to tackling some of today’s most challenging business and policy issues: freedom of expression, online harassment and countering violent extremism, privacy and digital security, encryption, network discrimination and connectivity, human rights, trade and business, transparency reporting, digital inclusion, internet governance, and much more*

If you are at RightsCon, follow our agenda! We hope to see you at the conferences and panels where we will be participating sharing our experience and projects that we are working on as a civil society organization based in Colombia that promotes and defends human rights in digital environments:


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