2022-08-25 Leer en voz alta

Research done during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic in Colombia shows how tools developed for the automatic detection of infringement of copyrighted materials produce illegitimate notifications which impair the ability of local independent producers of digital content to grow an audience, generate revenue and gain digital interactions. This research found multiple cases of unjustified notifications of supposed violation of copyright directed at content that is either part of the public domain, original content, or instances of judicial overreach of copyright law. The digital producers that are the target of these unjust notifications affirm that the appeal process and counter-notification procedures don’t help them protect their rights. The appeals interface of the different platforms that were taken into account did not help resolve the cases, which leaves digital creators defenseless with no alternative other than what they can obtain from their contacts. This system damages the capacity of these producers to grow, maintain and monetize an audience at the same time that it affects the liberty of expression of independent producers as it creates a strong disincentive for them. On the contrary, this system incentivizes the bigger production companies to claim copyright on content to which they hold no rights.

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