Global Congress of intellectual property and the public interest

2021-08-17 Leer en voz alta

#IPWeek2021 | Week of intellectual property, the public interest and COVID-19: learnings, discoveries, and challenges.

Call-for-proposals is open!

We all are interested in the tense relationship between intellectual property and the public interest. COVID-19 pandemic allows us to learn, discover, and see future challenges related to access to medicines and other health technologies, copyright, digital right, trade agreements, and traditional and diverse knowledge. 

So we are back this year with the #IPWeek2021 (October 25 – 29, 2021), a virtual meeting of the Global Congress of the Intellectual property and the public interest, organized by the Colombian-Brazilian team that successfully hosted the #IPWeekIP2020, where activists and academics around the world shared their insights, experiences, and studies on this field.

This year, in addition to the traditional formats, we are inviting you to submit creative pieces as infographics, memes, illustrations, and literary creations that reflect the issues in our topic of interest.

Call-for-proposals will be open until September 10th. 


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