Are the passwords you generate to protect your email, social networks, financial platforms and any personal account you access from the internet safe?
Within the framework of Cybersecurity Awareness Month we relaunch Internet Genius, the guide that helps you improve your online security.
Many times we believe that digital security is important, but to a certain extent, or it is a frequent and carefree part of the saying: “That will not happen to me”, when thinking about a possible impersonation or access to our accounts by other people . And very badly, if we are thinking this way because digital security is something we should practice in all the activities we do from mobile devices and computers.
This can really happen to you – all people really – and just like in our lives, we protect ourselves, we must do it with self-care actions online.
Every year in October, Cybersecurity Awareness Month is celebrated, which aims to promote a culture of cybersecurity globally so that all internet users learn to use digital tools that allow them to have a much online life. More protected and safe. It also seeks to educate and raise awareness about the role of the user as a key defense in cybersecurity issues, encourage international cooperation in this area and encourage governments and the private sector to work together to address current and future challenges.
This guide will help you protect yourself from third parties who want to access your accounts and make use (we think not very good) of your personal information, so do not give papaya! and follow the recommendations for the generation of secure passwords, secure and anonymous browsing, encrypted communications and digital keychains.
Download the 5 numbers of the series and share it on the Internet:
No. 1: Secure passwords.
This infographic (in spanish) explains how to create, in 5 steps, a password strong enough to protect your accounts.

Nº 2: Digital keychains.
Digital keychains are very useful tools for managing secure passwords for multiple accounts. In this infographic we explain how they work.

Nº 3: Safe navigation.
How does information travel on the Internet? Who can see it? In this infographic we explain why it is important that you navigate safely.

Nº 4: Encrypted communications.
Do you know what the Romans did to protect their communications? They figured them out! In our number 4 we explain why it is important that we do the same on the Internet.

Nº 5: Anonymous navigation.
Do you know what footprint you are leaving on the internet? Meet in our number 5 tools to prevent your personal information from being easily tracked.

Internet Genius is a publication
Prepared by: Karisma Foundation.
Contents: Amalia Toledo and María Juliana Soto.
Design: Miguel Tejada.
Illustration: Daniela Moreno.