The IPWeek 2021

2021-10-21 Leer en voz alta
Congreso Global de Propiedad intelectual e interés publico. iPWeek 2021 2021del 25 al 29 0ctubre

The #IPWeek2021 Week of Intellectual Property, the Public Interest, and COVID-19: discoveries, learnings, and challenges- is around the corner. Virtual event of the Global Congress of Intellectual Property and the Public Interest (2020-2021) organized by Colombian-Brazilian team integrated by Karisma Foundation, Ifarma Foundation, Misión Salud, ISUR Center, from Colombia, and InternetLab from Brazil.

From October 25th to 29th we will host almost 50 sessions on the thematic lines of the Congress:

  • Copyright
  • Access to medicines and other health technologies
  • Digital rights
  • Trade agreements
  • Traditional and diverse knowledge

General program

We have designed a challenging and interesting collaborative agenda with the participation of the academy and civil society. Sessions start at 8:00 a.m. (UTC-5) / 13:00 (UTC).

Programación de los eventos del Global Congress
You can explore the program

*Some session’s schedules are still susceptible to change. Please navigate the program with that in mind.


The main agenda of the #IPWeek2021 includes notable specialists of thematic lines from different perspectives and locations. Here is our keynotes program:

All sessions will be held in Colombian time (GMT-5) in Zoom and streamed on YouTube in the original language. Translations will be available after the event.

Code of conduct

The open exchange of ideas is central to the Week Intellectual Property, the Public Interest, and Covid-19 mission. To achieve it is necessary to build an environment that accepts diversity and provides a safe environment for everyone. The Code of Conduct applies to all the events of the Intellectual Property, the public interest, and Covid-19 Week: collaborative schedule, panels, central sessions, closure, dissemination of content on social networks included.

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